I will help you design, improve & simplify your projects

UX — service design — innovation

Let's work together when you need...

audit & consultations

Find spots that cost you your customers

I'll find frustrating parts and dead ends in your web, app or physical store, missing info and spots where you can earn more or save.


Improve obsolete
and too complex

Let's undesign! Things that are out of date, stopping you from growing or taking valuable time for your employees.

Strategy & workshops

Plan next steps
and set priorities

I'll help you see the next steps and new perspectives, choose the most important and align your team members.


Develop and validate ideas and projects

I'll materialize the idea so that everyone can picture it, it can be critiqued and verified. And developed with a minimum of changes

I helped startups and smaller organizations with...

Service design, innovation & prototyping

Supervision of bike-sharing service for Czech micromobility startup Rekola

  • Onboarding improvements: from a bike itself to the 1st ride
  • Innovation of the return process: from many screens to 2 taps
  • Redesign of customer support to handle growth
  • Tools for bike repairs and redistribution with QR codes
  • Integration of RedBull contest to current mobile apps
Workshop a prototyping

Discovery and mobile app prototype for experience platform X-challenge

  • Determining the needs at a workshop
  • Identification of technical and time constraints
  • App prototyping with dev-studio ByAllMeans
  • Consulting during development
audit a prototyping

Schedule communication to the visitors of the Night of Scientists

  • Determining the needs through interviews & surveys
  • Audit of existing apps and content
  • Design of new app, instructions for the development
  • This project was done entirely remotely
Service safari & strategy

Visitor journey mapping for Olomouc museum

  • Interviews with cashiers and custodians, visitor observations
  • Service safari in two museum buildings
  • Workshop with curators and educators
  • Problems report and strategy for further development

How clients see our collaboration

“You taught us that design is so much more than sitting at the office and drawing wireframes and moving pixels.”

Vitek Jezek

Founder & CEO, Rekola Bikesharing

Get a helping hand!

Send me an email and I will get back to you
in 2 days with more details.

I'm from Prague, Czechia. But I'm used to working remotely.
